21 August

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Great War events that took place on 21 August.

1914 (Friday)

Western Front  ▶  Belgians forced to abandon their trenches at Namur.  ▶  Battle of Charleroi, between Mons and the Meuse, between French and Germans begins.  ▶  British move towards Mons.
Eastern Front East Prussia: Advance of Second Army under Samsonov; occupation (August 21-23) of Allenstein, Neidenburg, Soldau, Johannisburg, etc.
Naval and Overseas Operations South Africa invaded by German troops.

1915 (Saturday)

Southern Front Second British Suvla attack (Gallipoli) on Anafarta fails.
Naval and Overseas Operations German Fleet retires from Riga, disembarkation having failed.
Political British Government declares cotton absolute contraband.