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20 August

From The Great War 1914-1918

Great War events that took place on 20 August.

1914 (Thursday)

Western Front  ▶  Brussels evacuated by the Belgians and occupied by the Germans. Namur bombarded.  ▶  Lorraine: Powerful German counter-attack near Saarburg and Morhange drives French back.  ▶  British concentration Avesnes-Le Cateau completed.
Eastern Front East Prussia: Battle of Gumbinnen. Russian victory followed by occupation of the town, Goldap and Lyck.
Southern Front Serbia: Disorderly flight of Austrians towards the frontier.
Naval and Overseas Operations East Africa: Taveta occupied by the Germans: Uganda Railway attacked.
Political Rome: Death of Pope Pius X.

1915 (Friday)

Eastern Front Russians evacuate Byelostok; enemy occupies Byelsk (north of Brest).
Southern Front Topkaneh (Arsenal at Constantinople) bombed by Russian aviators.
Naval and Overseas Operations Naval battle of Riga continues. German Fleet penetrates Gulf.
Political  ▶  Italy declares war on Turkey.  ▶  Second reading of War Loan Bill in Reichstag. 1,000,000,000 marks voted.
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