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15 August

From The Great War On This Day

Great War events that took place on 15 August.

1914 (Saturday)

Western Front  ▶  Belgium: Reduction of forts at Liège completed; Germans checked at Dinant by the French.  ▶  Alsace-Lorraine: Passes of the Vosges in French hands.
Naval and Overseas Operations South Africa: Meeting of disaffected Boers: Address by General Delarey.[a]
Political Japan: Ultimatum to Germany demanding evacuation of Tsing-tau (Kiao-Chau).[b]

1915 (Sunday)

Western Front Violent bombardment on Yser front.
Eastern Front  ▶  1,730 Russians taken prisoners outside Kovna. Losice, Biala, and Mazyrecze (west of Brest) captured; enemy crosses Bug east of Droghiczyn.  ▶  Russian line broken at Bransk (on Nurzec), 5,000 prisoners taken.
Southern Front Venice bombarded by seaplane.
Political  ▶  National Register taken.  ▶  Cholera in Hungary.  ▶  Striking exposure of German intrigues in New York World.


  1. Meeting at Treuerfontein (Western Transvaal) of Dutch Burghers, convened at instigation of rebel and German plotters. Address by General Delarey, who possessed unrivalled influence in Western Transvaal, to about 800 Burghers. Situation in Europe explained and exhortation to keep cool and await events.
  2. Ultimatutm regarding the evacuation of Tsing-tau (the naval port of Kiao-Chau, the German Protectorate in China) presented to Germany by Japan.
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