24 December

Revision as of 16:25, 1 October 2023 by Borderman (talk | contribs) (updated with new timeline table)

Great War events that took place on 24 December.

1914 (Thursday)

Western Front  ▶  British bomb German airsheds at Brussels.  ▶  Dover bombed by German aeroplane.  ▶  French successes at Perthes-les-Hurlus (Champagne) and Consenvoye (Meuse).
Eastern Front Reported rising of Romanians in Transylvania.
Naval and Overseas Operations Portuguese Colony of Angola (South West Africa) invaded by Germans.
Political  ▶  Morocco: Great Britain recognises French Protectorate.  ▶  134,000 German and 225,000 Austrian prisoners claimed by Russia to date.