8 March

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Great War events that took place on 8 March.

1915 (Monday)

Western Front Local attack by Germans, after heavy bombardment, fails at Dixmude.
Eastern Front  ▶  Severe fighting on whole front north of the River Vistula .  ▶  Fighting goes in favour of Russians round Osovyets.  ▶  Despite heavy losses, Austrians continue to attack at Baligrod.  ▶  Russians checked at Kosziowa (southern Carpathians), but retain positions by a counter-attack.
Southern Front Dardanelles: Operations hindered by bad weather.
Naval and Overseas Operations  ▶  Heraclea (Eregli) (Asia Minor) and neighbouring coast bombarded by Russian Black Sea fleet.  ▶  Ostend bombed.
Political  ▶  Greece: M. Zaimis having refused to form a ministry, King Constantine summons M. Gounaris who forms a cabinet.  ▶  In a council at Vienna, the Emperor Francis Joseph accepts the principle of a rectification of frontiers in favour of Italy.