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Leipzig Redoubt

From The Great War 1914-1918
Revision as of 00:01, 21 April 2017 by Borderman (talk | contribs) (some minor changes + addition of map)
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File:Sketch of German defences by Lonsdales.jpg
Sketch of the Granatloch (quarry) German defences by the Lonsdales during the night raid on 5/6 June.
File:Leipzig Salient 1st July 1916.jpg
Leipzig salient on 1 July 1916.

The Leipzig Redoubt, also known as the Granatloch was a German defensive post located in the disused chalk quarry at the western end of the Leipzig Salient. It formed part of the defences at this location and was held strongly with machine gun posts. The German front line here bulged around the quarry, which the Germans had fortified with fearsome skill and enclosed it along with the Hindenburg Trench, dug in a short distance behind, but still a part of, the salient. The Wundtwerk Redoubt (Wonderwork to the British) lay further back on a reverse slope. Nab Valley lay on the east side, Thiepval was to the north, with the fortified Mouquet Farm and the village of Pozières to the north-west.[1] It had a clear view of the land that sloped downhill towards the British front line, which is why it was seen as an otherwise important and strategic vantage point.

Today, the immediate area doesn't resemble its former self during the bitter conflicts that took place here during the First World War; land was farmed before and after the war but the constant fighting and shelling changed the landscape forever. Inside the redoubt trees and other plant growth portray a featureless quarry, but in its day this whole area would have looked very different. Before the week-long British bombardment that commenced on 24 June 1916 the defences would have been intact and impressive to look at, as seen at the Leipzig Redoubt. Afterwards, the land looked almost unrecognizable with trench systems partly destroyed (the bombardment did not have the full effect the British Generals wanted) and others completely obliterated.

The track seen in the top right photo is the track that runs from Authuille Wood to Thiepval. The Lonsdales that survived the machine gun fire upon leaving the relative safety of Authuille Wood were leaderless moments later but some managed to reach the Granatloch with men from Highland Light Infantry and take hold of this position and keep it. Other sectors did not have the same success.

See also

References / notes

  1. Leipzig Salient. Wikipedia: The free encyclopedia. Accessed 21 April, 2017.

Glossary of words and phrases

The above term is listed in our glossary of words and phrases of the Armed Forces of Great Britain during the Great War. Included are trench slang, service terms, expressions in everyday use, nicknames, the titles and origins of British and Commonwealth Regiments, and warfare in general. These words and phrases are contemporary to the war, which is reflected in the language used. They have been transcribed from three primary sources (see Contents). Feel free to expand upon and improve this content.
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