
From The Great War 1914-1918

Franc: The silver monetary unit of France, Belgium, etc. Its exact value in British money is 9.5l3d. (say, 9½d.).[1] Gold coins of 10 and 20 francs are minted. It is divided into 100 centimes. Five centimes (copper) is known as a sou. In Luxemburg the franc is divided into 80 pfennige. [2]

References / notes

  1. This calculation is contemporary with the publication of the source in 1914.
  2. Various contributors (1914). The War Book-of-Facts. 2nd Edition. A.W. Shaw Company, London p.141.

Glossary of words and phrases

The above term is listed in our glossary of words and phrases of the Armed Forces of Great Britain during the Great War. Included are trench slang, service terms, expressions in everyday use, nicknames, the titles and origins of British and Commonwealth Regiments, and warfare in general. These words and phrases are contemporary to the war, which is reflected in the language used. They have been transcribed from three primary sources (see Contents). Feel free to expand upon and improve this content.
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