David: The familiar Navy name for Admiral of the Fleet, Lord Beatty. At the Dogger Bank battle, on Lord Beatty (then Sir David Beatty) quitting his disabled flagship, HMS Lion, to hoist his flag on HMS Princess Royal, says Mr. Filson Young, in his With the Battle-Cruisers, "the stokers, who had come up from below, gathered round cheering , and in the enthusiasm of the moment one of them clapped him on the back as he stepped on to the destroyer's forecastle and shouted, 'Well done David!'"[1]
See also: Naval Battle in the North Sea.
- ↑ During the Dogger Bank fight on 24 January, his flagship, the Lion, having been crippled, Sir David Beatty, following battle custom under such circumstances, transferred his flag to another ship. Summoning the destroyer Attack alongside the Lion, the Admiral boarded her, with his Flag-Lieutenant, and then hastened to overtake the Squadron, eventually to hoist his flag on the Princess Royal. "At 11.3 a.m.," relates Admiral Beatty, in his Admiralty despatch, "an injury to the Lion being reported as incapable of immediate repair, I directed Lion to shape course N.W. At 11.20 I called the Attack alongside, shifting my flag to her at about 11.35 a.m. I proceeded at utmost speed to rejoin the Squadron, and met them at noon retiring N.N.W. I boarded and hoisted my flag in Princess Royal at about 12.20 p.m."
- ↑ Edward Fraser and John Gibbons (1925). Soldier and Sailor Words and Phrases. Routledge, London p.72.
Compendium of the Great War.
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This compendium forms the central hub of words, phrases, people, and places relative to the Great War period of 1914–1918. These also include battles, political events, ships, trench slang, British and American service terms and expressions in everyday use, nicknames, sobriquets, the titles of British and Commonwealth Regiments and their origins, and also warfare in general. These words and phrases are contemporary with the war, which is reflected in the language used, some of which may seem derogatory by today's standards. Feel free to expand upon and improve this content.