Dvina: Difference between revisions

500 bytes added ,  10 months ago
1916 and 1917 event added
(page created)
(1916 and 1917 event added)
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'''The Dvina''' is a river in northern [[Russia]].
{{index intro}}
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|[[29 September]]–[[25 October]]
|Heavy fighting, along from [[Dvinsk]] to Friedrichstadt.
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|[[9 March]]
|Germans repulsed.
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|[[3 January|3]]–[[4 January|4]], [[8 January]]
|Fighting on.
|[[1 September]]
|Country west of, evacuated by the Russians.
|[[2 September]]
|{{tb}} Russians retire to Bilderlingshof (Gulf).
|{{tb}} Germans cross the 18 miles above [[Riga]].
|[[21 September]]
|Germans claim 1,000 prisoners near Jakobstadt.
|[[3 October]]
|Intense [[artillery]] action near Jakobstadt.