- Template:WF - French positions east of Metzeral (Alsace) attacked, captured, and finally evacuated by enemy. French gain near Bagatelle (Argonne).
- Template:EF - Russians cleared from left bank of Vistula above Ivangorod. Enemy storms Miluny (Warsaw) and attacks Narev bridgehead at Rojan.
- Template:SF - Austrians hold bridgehead of Gorizia against fierce attacks. Italians capture 1,500 prisoners on Carso.
- Template:AE - Announced that 30 Turkish officers with arms cargo sailed for Tripoli; Italians demand war on Turkey.
- Template:PO - Mr. Roosevelt denounces his countrymen as accessories after the fact to Germany's crimes in Belgium.
- Turkish portion of Dedeagach railway ceded to Bulgaria with territory (600 square miles) between river Maritza and frontier.
Lord Edward Gleichen (1918–1920). Chronology of the War. Volumes I, II & III. Constable & Company, London. (Copyright expired)