More actions
1915 (Monday)
- Failure of French attack south-east of Hartmannsweilerkopf.
- French consolidate their positions at Les Éparges.
- German airship bombs Nancy.
- Russians checked east of the Uzsok Pass.
- Indecisive fighting at Kurna and Ahwaz.
- Turks attack Basra from west and south.
- French cruiser St. Louis bombards Gaza.
- Battle of Shaiba (Mesopotamia) begins (see 14 April).
- First Allied advance on Yaunde (Cameroons) begins (see 7 and 28 June).
- Entente Governments make offer to Greece of Smyrna and hinterland in return for immediate action against Turkey (see 14 April and 24 January).
- French Government notify Russian Government of their acceptance of Russian claims to Constantinople (see 12 March).
- Papal Note to President Wilson declaring the readiness of the Pope to co-operate for the restoration of peace.
Various material contemporary with the war have been used to compile The Great War:On This Day and associated index. Data has been gleaned from two main sources: Chronology of the War (1918-1920), and History of the Great War – Principal Events 1914-1918 (1922). The information in these works were deemed correct at the time of their respective publication dates, and may not accurately represent present-day histories, spelling of place names, political, and geographical boundaries. Click here for a full list of sources.