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The Great War

Transcribing a history of the 1914–1918 conflict

The Great War wiki is a place to transcribe and store copies of old books, newspapers, magazines, and media relating to the war of 1914–1918. It is a digital database of publications contemporary with the war that anyone can contribute to. Find out more about this project's aims and goals and get started on your transcribing journey today.

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On this day
A daily listing of events across all fronts that took place on this day between 1914–1918. This information refreshes daily.



  • Template:WF - Fierce fighting continues; British capture La Boiselle and part of Ovillers. French capture Chapitre Wood, Feuillères, Buscourt, Flaucourt; also Assevillers to the South. Germans gain and lose Damloup work (Verdun). North of Ancre actions indecisive. 12,300 prisoners to date.
  • Template:EF - Battle of Baranovichi continues south of Vilna. Russian sea-attack on German lines near Riga.
  • Template:SF - French air-raid on Sofia from Salonika.
  • Template:AE - Russians again resume offensive in Armenia, west of Erzerum.
  • Template:NO - British advance in East Africa, in region between Lake Tanganyika and Victoria Nyanza.
  • Template:PO - Report of Royal Commission on the causes of the Irish Rebellion issued. Russo-Japanese treaty re the Far East signed.



  • Template:WF - French advance north of Aisne between Autrèches on east and Moulin sous Touvent on west; 1,000 prisoners.
  • Template:EF - Germans prepare to advance on Murman railway. New Provisional Government established at Vladivostok.
  • Template:NO - Retreat of Germans at Nhamacurra.
  • Template:PO - Proclamation of Sinn Fein as dangerous organisation. Death of Lord Rhondda (British Food Controller). Death of Mohammed V., Sultan of Turkey; succeeded by Mohammed VI (Vahid-ed-Din).


Lord Edward Gleichen (1918–1920). Chronology of the War. Volumes I, II & III. Constable & Company, London. (Copyright expired)

Recent Transcription
Sir Edward Grey

Mr. Speaker:—Last week I stated that we were working for peace not only for this country, but to preserve the peace of Europe. To-day—but events move so rapidly that it is exceedingly difficult to state with technical accuracy the actual state of affairs—it is clear that the peace of Europe cannot be preserved. Russia and Germany, at any rate, have declared war upon each other.

Before I proceed to state the position of his Majesty's Government and what our attitude is with regard to the present crisis, I would like to clear the ground that the House may know exactly under what obligations the Government is or the House can be said to be in coming to a decision upon the matter. First of all let me say very shortly that we have consistently worked with a single mind and with all the earnestness in our power to preserve the peace. [Cheers.] The House might be satisfied on that point. We have always done it, and in these last years, as far as his Majesty's Government are concerned we should have no difficulty in proving that we have done it. Through the Balkan crisis by general admission we worked for peace, and the co-operation of the Great Powers was successful in working for peace in that crisis. It is true that some Powers had great difficulty in adjusting their points of view and it took much time and labour and discussion before they could settle their differences, but peace was secured because peace was their main object they were willing to give time and trouble to the consideration of difficulties and not to accentuate the differences that arose. (read more)

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