Events preceding British Declaration of War
- Austria issues manifesto and declares war on Serbia at noon: refuses proposals of mediation or Conference: has no quarrel with Russia.
- Russia says mobilisation of Southern Corps will be announced tomorrow, but she has no aggressive intentions against Germany.
- Russian Ambassador at Vienna wires to M. Sazonov that Austrian general mobilisation order has been signed.
- Kaiser wires to Tsar he will use his influence with Austria.
- Germany conciliatory, but throws responsibility of possible war on Russia.
- End of Caillaux trial: Madame Caillaux acquitted.
- Template:WF - Air-raid on St. Omer.
- Template:EF - Germans cross Vistula between Warsaw and Ivangorod.
- Template:SF - Italian offensive in Cordevole Valley (Venetian Alps) progressing. Italians evacuate positions just west of Gorizia.
- Austrians repulsed in Carnia.
- Template:PO - Final debate on Compulsory Service; Mr. Asquith reviews situation. Mr. Lloyd George speaks on munitions.[1]
Lord Edward Gleichen (1918–1920). Chronology of the War. Volumes I, II & III. Constable & Company, London. (Copyright expired)
- ↑ Mr. Lloyd George said that through the Munitions Ministry and Labour Exchanges about 20,000 volunteer workers had become available. Highly skilled engineers were also being released from the colours for the work. Addressing himself to trade-leaders, he implored them to suspend trade union practices and announced a new and great programme which had been decided upon.