More actions
1915 (Sunday)
- Germans repulsed at Les Éparges.
- Severe fighting near Albert.
- Germans bombard Osovyets.
- Russians capture Wysocko Nizhne, near the Uzsok Pass.
- Turks attack British at Kurna (Mesopotamia) and Ahwaz (Persian Gulf).
- Harrison liner Wayfarer torpedoed.
- SS Kronprinz Wilhelm arrives at Newport News.
- Count Bernstorff publishes the German Note to USA.
- German reprisals announced re British treatment of captured submarine crews: 39 British officer prisoners under arrest.
- Bulgaria agrees to mixed Serbian and Bulgarian commission on frontier incidents in Macedonia.
Various material contemporary with the war have been used to compile The Great War:On This Day and associated index. Data has been gleaned from two main sources: Chronology of the War (1918-1920), and History of the Great War – Principal Events 1914-1918 (1922). The information in these works were deemed correct at the time of their respective publication dates, and may not accurately represent present-day histories, spelling of place names, political, and geographical boundaries. Click here for a full list of sources.