Category:Photographs by John Warwick Brooke

British official photographers and film cameramen standing outside a sandbagged shelter on the Western Front wearing their helmets and respirator packs: left to right; 2nd Lieutenant E. "Baby" Brooks (photographer), Lieutenant J. B. McDowell (cameraman), 2nd Lieutenant J. W. Brooke (photographer) and H. C. Raymond (cameraman).

John Warwick Brooke, of the Topical Press Agency, was the second after Ernest Brooks British official war photographer to go to the Western Front in 1916. As an officially appointed photographer, John Warwick Brooke was assigned to the Western Front to follow the progress of the British Army. During his time there, between 1916 and 1918, Warwick Brooke is estimated to have taken over 4,000 photographs.

Media in category "Photographs by John Warwick Brooke"

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