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Events preceding British Declaration of War
- Tsar wires to Belgrade that Russia cannot be indifferent to fate of Serbia: Russia still conciliatory: proposes to Vienna conversations re Serbia.
- Germany says she knows nothing of proposed Conference, but has taken mediatory steps. (No record of these.)
- Dispersal of British Fleet countermanded at instance of Admiral Prince Louis of Battenberg. Statement by Sir Edward Grey in House of Commons.[1] Austria says proposal of mediation or Conference too late.
- Template:WF - French capture position above Lingekopf. Soissons and Reims bombarded.
- Template:EF - Enemy captures Goworowo (east of Rojan). Warsaw attacked on three sides.
- Austrians lose heavily in attack near Majdan-Ostrowski and on front Terriatin-Annopol (Cholm region).
- Fighting for the Pruth south-east of Poltusk proceeding.
- Template:AE - Russians forced back by Turks near Mush (Asia Minor).
- Template:NO - Three Danish schooners torpedoed by German submarine. Railway from Ancona to Pesaro bombarded from sea.
- Template:PO - Mr. Asquith announces total military casualties to 18 July, 830,995; naval 9,106.
- French Chamber agrees to necessity of Parliamentary control for army.
Lord Edward Gleichen (1918–1920). Chronology of the War. Volumes I, II & III. Constable & Company, London. (Copyright expired)
- ↑ Sir Edward Grey makes statement in Parliament on this day announcing attempt to induce the Great Powers not immediately concerned in the Autro-Serbian conflict (Germany, France, Italy, Britain) to meet in conference at London. Russia and Austria to be asked to suspend military operations while the four Powers endeavour to arrange a settlement.